Friday, September 13, 2013

{First Impressions}: WhiteningLightening Brow Bar to Go and Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Wiz

Lately, I've been obsessed with eyebrows.  I have always been an over-plucker.  I don't get mine waxed, I've simply maintained the same sad shape for years.  With that being said, I've made a conscious effort over the past six months to pluck less.  I still get the urge to pluck strays here and there, but generally, I've been able to "bulk up" my brows a bit over this time period.  I've also invested more interest in products that help with brow shaping and fill-ins.  For a long time, I used Clinque's Brow Shaper in Charcoal.  I do not dislike this product and I still use it occasionally, but I wanted to branch out.  Before I found something I felt worthy of investing in, I used the brown shade in the Urban Decay Naked Basics palette just to fill in sparse areas.  A few weeks ago I did some serious googling and discovered videos about two products that I decided to try.  I ordered them last week and received them Tuesday.  I've tried them for three days now, and I feel confident in giving you my first impressions of them.  After I've given myself enough time to "master" the art of using them, I'll give a full review and tutorial for your perusing. 

Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Wiz Pencil in Brunette
This pencil is great!  When I first received it, it was mid day and I wasn't able to play with it right away, but I did a little testing on my hand.  The pencil has a super fine tip which allows the product to glide on lightly without any harsh lines.  I found this to be interesting, as I expected it to go on like an eyeliner pencil.  After playing with it on my brows, I'm very impressed.  It it easy to use with a light hand and isn't harsh unless you get intentional with it.  The pencil is dual ended with the retractable twist liner on one side and a spoolie on the other.  I love the spoolie because it helps to blend out the product and wrangle unruly strands of brow hair.  The color is great and looks natural.

WhiteningLightening Brow Bar to Go
This trio of brow products is amazing!  It includes a dark and light shade of brow powders as well as a brow wax and a small angled brush.  I've been using the dark color on my brows after applying the wax as a primer.  So far, so good.

I highly recommend both of these products.  I ordered the Anastasia pencil from and the Brow Bar from WhiteningLightening's website.  I ordered them both on a Friday and received them on a Tuesday.  I'll follow up next week with some before/after photos!  Until then, have a great weekend and stay pretty, y'all!

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